SMS for bands, DJs, preformers, venues, promoters and the rest
The explosion in showcases the real power behind word-of-mouth but it also points to the need for artists of all ilks and persuasions to actively communicate with and build their fan base.
SMS, like the internet, has real potential in this arena. It's personal nature, immediacy and viral aspects are all real plusses for any performer keen to connect with their audience. On that point I came across this exciting new venture in the US. is in beta at the moment but they use SMS to let fans access info on their favourite bands and no doubt follow this up with info on gigs, releases etc...
Some of the costs may be preclusive for smaller groups but it's definitely something we're going to be following closely at TextStart with a view to creating a niche site for fans to interact and register for more info from their favourites - big and small. Watch this space as they say.
SMS, like the internet, has real potential in this arena. It's personal nature, immediacy and viral aspects are all real plusses for any performer keen to connect with their audience. On that point I came across this exciting new venture in the US. is in beta at the moment but they use SMS to let fans access info on their favourite bands and no doubt follow this up with info on gigs, releases etc...
Some of the costs may be preclusive for smaller groups but it's definitely something we're going to be following closely at TextStart with a view to creating a niche site for fans to interact and register for more info from their favourites - big and small. Watch this space as they say.
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