15 minute tips

In speaking to loads of small business owners one of the most frequent reasons I hear for then not marketing is lack of time. It's understandable really, most small business owners have a lot on their plates at any given moment and finding a few hours a week to market their businesses can seem a bit daunting.
This leads businesses to what I call 'stop-start' marketing - i.e. you invest a bunch of time and money into a marketing idea and then cross your fingers and hop eit brings in the business. A month later when it hasn't, you curse the wasted expense, vow never to spend money on that again and then run off and try something equally expensive and useless.
We all know that repitition is one of the keys to successful marketing so a far better idea is to invest a little time on a regular basis into doing low cost and no cost marketing ideas that gradually build into a marketing whole.
With that in mind, I'll be running a series of posts on ideas you can do in just 15 minutes a day - you can also check out some of these ideas and useful links at the 15 minute marketing lens on Squidoo.
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