Friday, December 22, 2006

Squidoo Fusion

Check out my lens

I love this site

If you haven't had a look yet, the site lets people create a 'lens' about any topic they like. A lens, like it sounds, is a window onto a particular topic of interest and contains links to relevant sites, text, news etc....

What I like most about Squidoo (apart from the name) is the way the business has been set up to take advantage of fusion relationships:

1. They fuse with 'lensmasters' who create the content and share in the revenues through royalties
2. They fuse with charitable partners who can also benefit from lensmasters donating part of their royalties
3. They fuse with Google, Amazon, iTunes etc.... through affiliate deals and PPC ads to generate revenue from the site

Of course, your business can fuse with Squidoo by creating your own lens about your business or any other topic you like.

Here are two of my lens
About Fusion
About FreeForm

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I'd come across this site a while back, bookmarked it and then promptly forgot all about it. Until today that is, when a client emailed me a link and asked for my opinion.

No opinion just yet, but, as its free, I thought it deserved a bit more investigation. Anyway, if anyone is in need of some free untargeted traffic it might be worth a look.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

More fun from

These guys have all the fun.

One of their members had his car stolen. He's a bit miffed. So he decided to fight back by offering the car in question up as a reward for anyone who can find it.

Not one to miss a trick UsefulGarbage have now launch a Find This Car! campaign and released it to the media. That's smart marketing.

Check out the original post here.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Fusion Nappies

Pampers ( a P&G brand of nappies ) in Ireland have just announced a new deal with UNICEF. More fusion.

Pampers have agreed to donate a free vaccination through UNICEF for every pack of nappies bought in Ireland. Once again, the two parties both benefit: Pampers increases sales, has a great story to tell through its advertising and media work and 'borrows' UNICEFs good-will to re-inforce it's brand image - UNICEF gets the money and publicity in advertising, media releases and in every supermarket across the country.

You can see the press release here or visit the Pampers site to see how they're promoting it here

An excited recycler says:

I just got an email from a registered user over at I gave the site a quick mention in a previous post.

Turns out this guy has listed his CAR to be recycled:

"Great idea. I posted my old car on there. easy to set up and postings are
getting bigger by the day."

What got me interested was not that the guy posted his car (although that is pretty cool) but rather he was just as excited about promoting the site as the owners.

As you know from my previous posts I love it when businesses create advocates - both internal like the ideas that Ron over at Buzzoodle promotes and external like this. I'm not sure what exactly these guys did to get Yann so excited but the idea of the site seems to have really caught his imagination!

BTW you can find the car here (and if you live in London it's yours for free if you want it!)