Thursday, June 14, 2007

Marketing Toolbox Item No. 1 : The Referral Card

OK, so what bits and pieces do you need to have in your 'marketing toolbox'?

A great one to start with is a simple referral card.

A referral card is simply a 'gift certificate' or 'discount voucher' (for want of a better phrase) that you can give to clients, customers, friends, family, suppliers - anybody you want. The idea is that they can pass them on to others who might be able to use your services or buy your product. Using referral cards with a small discount has a few effects:

1. It makes it easier to give and talk about
2. It gives you a chance to control the message
3. It makes it more likely to be used
4. It stands out compared to a business card or brochure

Here's a few ideas for using them:

1. Give a few to everyone you know and ask them to hand them out
2. Include them in your invoices (or with purchases / deliveries) as a thank you
3. Use them as a substitute for a flyer
4. Use them as a unique substitute for a business card
5. Put them with display materials at stands on in your premises
6. Give them to referral partners
7. Use them in direct mail

What should it look like?

1. Bright and eye-catching
2. Well branded
3. Offer big and bold
4. Leave room for the 'referrers' name so you can track where they come from and thank or reward those that do refer
5. Take a few lines to state your key points and the reason for the discount (giving a reason maintains value)
6. Bigger than a business card
7. Double sided

Anything else?

Yep, the best way to make sure they get passed along is to 'present' them to the person who'll be doing the referring - tell them what they are and the kind of people you're hoping they'll refer.


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