Tuesday, October 03, 2006


If you only get ONE idea from this blog (as if ...) make it this one.

Campbell's Goes Pink

Campbell's Soup have launched a Pink version of their iconic red cans to help support breast cancer awareness month.

The cynical amongst you will no doubt ignore this as a shallow marketing ploy (and yes it has DOUBLED sales of their most popular lines in some outlets) but that misses the point.

This is a great example of a major brand accomplishing two worthy goals at once (see also the Red campaign currently taking over a mobile phone or newspaper near you). Not only does the campaign raise awareness of and funds for a worthy cause but it also does exactly the same for Campbell's as well.

This is definitely something that just about any business can adapt for their product or service by partnering with a worthy cause of their choosing. We've 'co-branded' many of our promotional products with local charities and seen sales and media interest rise - not to mention raising tens of thousands of pounds for those causes year after year. Why do you think Fairtrade coffee and other products are increasingly popular? Why do Tescos and Sainsbury's and every other 'grocery' store have charity of the year and Sports for Schools campaigns?

If you need more convincing check this out:

"According to a 2004 survey on cause marketing done by Boston brand-strategy firm Cone, 91% of 1,033 consumers say they have a more positive image of a company or product when it supports a cause and 90% will consider switching to another company if it's aligned with a cause." Advertising Age

So not only does it increase sales, generate publicity and raise funds for a good cause, it positively affects the image of your brand or business!

This is a concept you need to look at for your business - and, of course, this is something we've been doing for businesses and ourselves for a while now so if you need some help - drop us a line to info@freeformmedia.co.uk


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