Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing

I read a lot of books, mostly small business and marketing topics, and from a purely practical standpoint I'm often left wondering what exactly to do with the information I've just digested. It's not that the quality isn't there, as many of the books I read have something strong and original to say, but rather they are heavy on theory and examples of global businesses but light of practical 'do this today' implementation for small businesses.
Personally, I'm big on practical. Of course, I want ideas but I also want to see them in practice or broken down into actionable points that I, and my clients, can do right away.
So, on reading Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing by Ron McDaniel, I was hoping for simple step-by-step ideas to create more buzz for the business - and funnily enough that's exactly what I got - 57 of them in fact.
The 57 'buzz building' challenges Ron sets down are for the most part simple ideas - some of them you may already be doing and others you most likely are not. What they all have in common is that they can be done right away but not one is likely to transform your business over night; rather by doing a few every now and then you can start to build buzz gradually over time.
(This is an idea that fits in nicely with my belief that marketing isn't an event but an ongoing process that lasts a business lifetime. With that in mind what we need are lots of simple ideas that we can add to over time.)
Having said that, since receiving the book in the post on Thursday, I've tried no fewer than 10 of these ideas and have already seen site visitors increase and received an enquiry from a client I hadn't spoken to in months.
Simply put, if you need some straight-forward common sense ideas to start creating buzz today, start with Buzzoodle Buzz Marketing.
More Reviews and "Buzzoodle Challengers":
Instigator Blog
Matt on Marketing: Take the Buzz Challenge!
Mike Sansone - ConverStations
Adam Jusko's Review
Ron Finklestein
Small Business Trends - Anita Campbell
Thanks for the review. It is good to find people with such similar interests.
- Ron
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